Make your business greener with sugar cane dishes
Advantages of sugar cane dishes
The main ingredient used in the manufacture of the dishes is not actually the cane stalk, as it might seem at first, but the bagasse. Bagasse is waste that remains from sugar cane plants after sugar extraction. These residues are usually used for the production of biofuels, but can also be used to make sugar cane pulp, from which various packages can be produced.
Sugar cane can be used to make packaging such as bags,
films, as well as various dishes and lids. They are much more sustainable than
other alternatives to packaging and disposable tableware, using renewable
resources to produce them.
Sugarcane containers are eco friendly, very durable, light and relatively
inexpensive, and they decompose in industrial compost in just 30 to 90 days,
leaving no biological trace. No waste is generated in their production process.
In addition, the resulting material itself is fully recyclable, allowing it to
be reused several times.
Sugarcane containers have no taste, smell or harmful
impurities and can be heated, frozen and used in microwave ovens. These
properties make them a suitable alternative to traditional disposable expanded
polystyrene food packaging, which the EU forbid from July 2021.
Tags: eco friendly