POF Shrink film, centerfolded, 650/650mm, 19my

POF Shrink film, centerfolded, 650/650mm, 19my

  • Out Of Stock
  • Product Code: 9196

The film is intended for packaging food and non-food products, it shrinks under the influence of increased temperature, thus taking the shape of the product to be packaged. The effect of thermal exposure is achieved with special equipment - with the help of thermal chambers or tunnels. The film is made of polyolefin (POF). POF film can be used in contact with food products and does not contain chlorine particles that could harm the environment and human health.

Width 650/650
Color T - Transparent / Caurspīdīgs
Material LDPE(POF)
€8.96 (Ex Tax: €7.40)
(1.0000 unit / 1 kaste.)

